EVERGREEN | Sterling Kuder
Founded in 1985, Sterling Kuder brings over 35 years of tax experience to the Evergreen Wealth Management team and expands our Eastside presence to include an additional location on Mercer Island. Evergreen Sterling Kuder is where investment advisory and tax planning converge to help clients accomplish more with their wealth manager and CPA. Our focus is on combining your tax and investment strategies into one, with your financial plan at the center. We aim to provide a holistic and comprehensive approach to reducing our clients' tax liability.
Corporate, Individual & Estate Planning
Federal & State Return Preparation
Business & Entity Returns
Formation & Liquidation
Business Planning & Budget Analysis
Preparation, Audit, Compilation & Review of Financial Statements
Accounting System Automation
Software Consultation
Tax & business service capabilities
Why combine tax, investments
& financial planning
To seamlessly integrate your investment portfolio and financial plan with maximum tax-efficiency requires a team with expertise in each of those areas. We believe this integration is best achieved when your CPA, CFP®, and Wealth Consultant are working under one roof.
We remove the need for clients to have to serve as the middle man between investment manager and CPA. Evergreen clients can spend more time focusing on their work and families and less time facilitating meetings and communication when they utilize the all-in-one investment and tax service we provide.